Here’s the 101 on the history of The Bowen Method, the roots of Bowen Therapy, Bowen Technique and Bowenworks among others. All Bowen Method derivatives stem from the works of Australian Thomas Ambrose Bowen (Tom Bowen) (1916–1982). Tom Bowen described his theraputic approach as a “gift from God”. In 1975, several years before his death, the government of Victoria, Australia reported that Bowen treated an estimated 13,000 patients per year, with an 80 percent success rate in symptoms that were associated with a wide range of conditions.
History of the Bowen Method
Tom Bowen was a healer and a doer. Not a recorder. As such, he didn’t document his techniques and practices. So after his death, his many followers interpreted his work. In fact, it wasn’t until some years after his death that the term “Bowen Method” was invented. Bowen Method precipitated a wide variety of sub-versions such as:
Bowenwork (American Bowen Academy): The American Bowen Academy, formerly Bowenwork Academy USA, is the only internationally recognized organization in the U.S. that offers certification, provides standardized, high quality training, and supports current and future Bowenwork practitioners and instructors with resources and opportunities in an expanding healthcare field. People of all ages respond to Bowenwork according to what their bodies need. Bowenwork is extremely effective in helping with a variety of acute and chronic ailments, including back pain, sciatica, neck and shoulder pain, fibromyalgia and other conditions that often do not respond to more conventional approaches. Find out more about the benefits of Bowenwork, and search for a practitioner in your area.
Smart Bowen: an International Training College offering programs in Human, Equine and Small Animal Bowen Therapy in Australia and overseas. All programs are recognized by the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT), the Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia Inc., (BTFA), and the human programs are recognized by the Bowen Therapists Professional Association (BTPA).
Fascial Kinetics: teaching people for over 20 years balancing the science of healing with the art of healing, addressing body, mind and spirit. The Fascial Kinetics course in Bowen Method was researched and developed by Russell Sturgess and is one of the longest running training organizations in Bowen Method. Sturgess is one of the early pioneers who researched the properties of fascia and recognised its key importance in managing and maintaining health in the whole body.
Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST): The advantage of NST is that it is quicker and smoother in its application than the earlier forms and also consistently achieves excellent results in more difficult cases. It is now practised in many countries around the world.
While the Bowen Method concept exists in various forms and brand names, the historical roots come from the “founder,” Tom Bowen.
Can you describe the difference between American Bowen and Integrated Bowen? I watched a demonstration video of an Integrated session. The moves appear to be similar or in many case identical, but there are no pauses.