My Services

I offer several healing modalities including Bowen Therapy, Voila Method, Pranic Healing, Zone Technique and Visceral Manipulation. These are available as single-track treatments or on a blended as-needed basis.

Endorsed by Opencare as a top therapy practice.

Body Alignment & Bowen Therapy Packages

1st Time Bowen Single


Approx. 90 Minutes
Single Client
Loose Clothing
Cash or Checks Only
24 Hour Cancellation Policy

Bowen Single


Approx. 60 Minutes
Single Client
Loose Clothing
Cash or Checks Only
24 Hour Cancellation Policy


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen therapy is a hands-on therapy that is applied using gentle pressure. Thumbs and fingers are used on precise points of the body to perform sets of moves that stimulate muscles and soft tissues. Unlike chiropractors, Bowen therapy does not manipulate or adjust hard tissues and no force is used. The Bowen therapy experience is gentle, subtle and relaxing.

How Does Bowen Therapy Work?

Bowen therapy works on the theory that gentle moves over precise body points prompts the body’s ability to relieve pain, restriction and imbalance. It does so without the need for deep, manipulative or forceful treatment. Bowen therapy “moves” neurological impulses to the brain resulting in relaxation and pain reduction. Bowen therapy also creates electrical impulses to the nervous system that inform the body on how to regain movement in joints, muscles and tendons. Common results include relief of muscle spasms and increased blood and lymph flow.

What is Body Alignment Therapy?

I diagnose body alignment deficiencies and treat with various therapy options as I find appropriate (I am a licensed massage therapist, former Advanced Rolfer ~ I no longer maintain a Rolfing License due to cost considerations, and have studied many other modalities such as Reiki and energy healing). I often refer people out to other practitioners as no one modality is right for all people and all circumstances.

What Should I Wear to Sessions?
For both Bowen therapy and body alignment sessions, loose comfortable clothing is fine.
Payment Methods

You may pay by cash or check. I don’t accept credit cards.

Cancellation Policy

Please call at least 24 hours in advance to change or cancel appointments.

No Show Policy

Those who have missed appointments in the past will be required to pay at least one week in advance for new sessions. Please note that advance payments are non-refundable and forfeited in the event of a future missed appointment.

Gift Certificates Available

Ask about Bowen Therapy gift certificates. They’re a great way to bring comfort to the ones you love. You can get them in any denomination and by multiple session.

Book Appointments

Schedule by phone, email or form:

PHONE: (808) 778-3723
EMAIL: karen[at]
LOCATION: 1012 18th Ave. Honolulu, HI
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